Thursday 4 June 2009

New Scrubs

This contains NO Spoilers about season 8 so enjoy this blog post! :)

The time to waffle has again returned, what with the topic of Scrubs and a new series (9th) occurring. I have been very concerned about this for a number of reasons. They are as follows:

1) Zach Braff will only be in a few episodes and then off he will go into the how will it work without JD???

2) Replacing the old cast with a new cast, surely that is the equivalent of blasphemy??

3) To put it in a slightly adapted Cox-ism it's simply just "WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG...WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG....IT'S WRONG, IT'S WRONG, IT'S WRONG!!!"

A new season of scrubs, especially with having seen series 8 just does not work considering how it ended. My fears have been well and truly present in my life for a long time....that is until 18.50 this evening. Why that time I hear you ask, it was at that point that I read a blog post from the genius that is ZB himself...and here it is for your perusal!

To clear up the confusion:
Scrubs will be coming back, but in a new incarnation. Scrubs as we've all known it is over. That chapter is closed. But as there are so many fans of the characters and writing of the show worldwide, the powers that be have decided to try and keep them alive a little longer (in the spirit of "Frasier" being a new chapter of "Cheers".)

I will be in the first 6 episodes of this new incarnation to help transition the show into what it will become. And then I will be off to work on some new projects that I'm very excited about/ write my new movie/continue to learn how to fly airplanes. :)) As to what the new show is? That's only clear in the mind of Bill Lawrence at this time.

I know many of you will have very strong opinions on this topic. And I respect them all. But first and foremost, if any of you were in a position to put about 200 people whom you really loved back to work in this economy, you would do it in a second. That has always been in the back of Bill's and my mind; we just didn't imagine ABC would ever give us the opportunity to keep it going.

If anyone can find an interesting new shape for the show it's Bill. Don't hate it until you see what he comes up with. Once its up and going there will be plenty of time for you to decide whether you love it or hate it.

Hope this clarifies a few things. That's all the info there is on that right now... I hope this finds you smiling,

So there you have it, Zach clarifying the issues at hand. For that I can give him nothing but undying love and gratitude. This is a man who cares about his fans and his audience. It is because of this blog post that I have gone from fearing the new series to being excited about it! If Scrubs is like Cheers and the new series like Frasier how can it not succeed?? And so it is because of the genius that is Zach Braff that I can happily say "BRING ON THE NEW SERIES!!" :D

Tuesday 21 April 2009


Do you believe in ghosts? To be honest, I'm not sure I do, or at least that is what I believed until today.

It was the end of the day, I had just finished school and taught two lessons that not only I was proud of but the teacher as well. The sun was shining as I stepped out the school building. One of the children in my class was still there, 4.15 and still had yet to be picked up by her mother.

"Your mum still not come yet?" I asked her.

"No not yet" she smiled, as she lugged a rather large and cumbersome yellow bag across the playground. "I'm just going inside now to do more work on my flower."

"Well you have a good evening and I'll see you tomorrow!" I said.

"Thank you, Mr Seccombe. Bye" she went in through the double doors as I continued to walk across the car park.

To my right the gardening club was in full flow, to my left I could hear splashes emanating from behind the green fence that housed the swimming. It was so sunny that I almost had to shade my eyes as I crossed the playground towards the parking area. Strangely enough though, there wasn't the heat to go with the sunniness. As I walked across the car park I looked forward to getting home and getting on with the planning for the rest of the week.

I reached my car, unlocking and opening the door I tossed my rather heavy bag into the passenger seat. I climbed in, placing the key in the ignition and turning it I pulled my iPod out of my pocket. Plugging it into the aux cable I set it up to random and set the first song to be John Mellencamp - Jack and Diane, an 80's classic Rock song.

Putting the car into gear I started out across the playground, round the front of the building and down towards the exit. The grounds for the school are relatively big, large fields for the children to play in and lots of facilities for the children to enjoy. This school is very lucky to have all that it has, and the children and teachers both seem to appreciate that.

I got to the exit of the school, looking right, and then pulling out into the road. Happily singing along to Jack and Diane I drove down the road, then turned left and down towards the t junction. A man in a blue can had parked on the wrong side of the road and was blocking it slightly, luckily no-one was coming so I passed it, as the man reached the otherside of the road and entered into the house.

As I was pulling up to the t-junction I saw a woman on the otherside of the road. She was wearing a blue top and jeans, nothing out of the ordinary. She stared at me and then turned left and walked out of my sight down the road. I pulled up to the junction, expecting to get a closer look of the woman, but she was no-where to be seen. One minute she had been there the next she had vanished into thin air.

This really made me question whether I had seen her in the first place, but I know what I saw, and this woman in blue was definitely real, at least I think she was real. There is no way that she could have gone anywhere. The area, has trees but she wasn't hidden behind them, and there certainly where no houses anywhere nearby.

Was she a ghost, I have no idea. But what I do know is that for the rest of the drive, instead of singing I sat there trying to rack my brains about firstly what I saw and secondly whether what I saw was a ghost or not.

Comment away!

Tchau for now! :)

Wednesday 8 April 2009


Every once in a blue moon, I get a day where I am really fidgety and cannot concentrate on what I really need to concentrate is that day. I woke up feeling a lack of motivation, my mind was off trying to think of anything that would distract me from the day ahead. And so here I am, already I have written one blog post and now here I am writing another.

What have I achieved so far today...well breakfast, a short workout upstairs, a shower, I read a chapter of BFI Modern Classics The Shawshank Redemption by Mark Kermode (you can follow him on twitter through, and I have created a new blog...all in all the least productive morning I have had all week. I am disappointed in myself. So much so that I am going to go downstairs, get my midmorning snack of banana, honey and greek yoghurt, and come back upstairs to focus on the work I need to get done today.

Ideally by the end of the day I want to have completed 3,000 words on my assignment, thats around another 1,000 words. In comparison to proffesional writers that is nothing, I know this, but I am not a proffesional writer, I am a soon to be teacher. I must go to get things sorted...have a good day people (whoever is reading this).

Please leave comments and motivational shoves below! :) Either that or message me on twitter. (you can follo me on twitter by going to

Tchau for now!! xx

In Memoriam

I am writing this first blog on here in memory to my old blog that I seem to have forgotten either, a. the password
b. the e-mail address OR
c. all of the above

My last blog address was and as I say unfortunately due to technical faults, eg my brain not remembering the information it needed to remember, I am unable to continue to use that account, so here I am...think of it in the same way as Web 1.0 being converted into Web is a new and improved me/blog and therefore will be better and more...well I'm not too sure what more it will be, I just hope you enjoy reading it!

I have no idea how many people will read it or for that matter how to get lots of people to start reading it, so unless there are people out there who can tell me these things, for all I know I will be talking to absolutely for all intense purposes...that is a strange it for all intense purposes...or maybe its for all in tents and porpoises...or maybe (and this may be a stretch ;-) ) it's "for all intents and purposes", anyway...for all intents and purposes this might as well be a dairy...or even a diary, would be trickier to make this into a dairy, I don't think I have the time to make a dairy, whereas a diary is perfectly possible!!

However, I won't make this into a diary, instead this will be a collection of thoughts that I put together, whenever I remember to do it. So here goes....Welcome to my blog! :)

PS I didn't explain the In Memoriam of the title. In Memoriam literally means in memory of and this blog is in memory of my last blog that i now cannot get into...and as you see there is only a slight change in way of title, eg the addition of "the" before "wafflersworld". Anyway enough of that....Cya!


Tchau for now! ;) (for mstevenson83 :D)