Wednesday 8 April 2009


Every once in a blue moon, I get a day where I am really fidgety and cannot concentrate on what I really need to concentrate is that day. I woke up feeling a lack of motivation, my mind was off trying to think of anything that would distract me from the day ahead. And so here I am, already I have written one blog post and now here I am writing another.

What have I achieved so far today...well breakfast, a short workout upstairs, a shower, I read a chapter of BFI Modern Classics The Shawshank Redemption by Mark Kermode (you can follow him on twitter through, and I have created a new blog...all in all the least productive morning I have had all week. I am disappointed in myself. So much so that I am going to go downstairs, get my midmorning snack of banana, honey and greek yoghurt, and come back upstairs to focus on the work I need to get done today.

Ideally by the end of the day I want to have completed 3,000 words on my assignment, thats around another 1,000 words. In comparison to proffesional writers that is nothing, I know this, but I am not a proffesional writer, I am a soon to be teacher. I must go to get things sorted...have a good day people (whoever is reading this).

Please leave comments and motivational shoves below! :) Either that or message me on twitter. (you can follo me on twitter by going to

Tchau for now!! xx

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