Wednesday 8 April 2009

In Memoriam

I am writing this first blog on here in memory to my old blog that I seem to have forgotten either, a. the password
b. the e-mail address OR
c. all of the above

My last blog address was and as I say unfortunately due to technical faults, eg my brain not remembering the information it needed to remember, I am unable to continue to use that account, so here I am...think of it in the same way as Web 1.0 being converted into Web is a new and improved me/blog and therefore will be better and more...well I'm not too sure what more it will be, I just hope you enjoy reading it!

I have no idea how many people will read it or for that matter how to get lots of people to start reading it, so unless there are people out there who can tell me these things, for all I know I will be talking to absolutely for all intense purposes...that is a strange it for all intense purposes...or maybe its for all in tents and porpoises...or maybe (and this may be a stretch ;-) ) it's "for all intents and purposes", anyway...for all intents and purposes this might as well be a dairy...or even a diary, would be trickier to make this into a dairy, I don't think I have the time to make a dairy, whereas a diary is perfectly possible!!

However, I won't make this into a diary, instead this will be a collection of thoughts that I put together, whenever I remember to do it. So here goes....Welcome to my blog! :)

PS I didn't explain the In Memoriam of the title. In Memoriam literally means in memory of and this blog is in memory of my last blog that i now cannot get into...and as you see there is only a slight change in way of title, eg the addition of "the" before "wafflersworld". Anyway enough of that....Cya!


Tchau for now! ;) (for mstevenson83 :D)

1 comment:

  1. WHAT!?!? Where's the "Tchau"?!?! I feel violated
